Catalog: rms for rms Release 2.0
Forms: rms for rms Release 2.0; rms R2 Bugs; Programming Workflow - a common or shared form.

The following diagram shows
the steps in our workflow.

Here is the input form for Bugs

Here is the input form for
Enhancement Requests

IT OnTime believes in rms. We believe in it so much that we use rms for building and maintaining rms. This is now a mature application. IT OnTime ran rms Version 1 for over 18 months handling thousands of requests. The catalog for rms in Version 2 dates from April 19, 2004. Some are simple requests requiring ten or fifteen minutes work from a graphic artist, designer or developer. Others are quite complex and may take two to three weeks to implement.  

IT OnTime is a geographically dispersed entity. Headquarters is in California and the people who do product management for rms are there. Development is done by IT OnTime (Thailand) Co, LTD, our Thai development company located in Bangkok. Without rms, we would need email, voice mail and phone calls back and forth. Everyone who has tried working with offshore resources complains about the difficulty coordinating activities. rms solves this.

Users, developers, managers and testers anywhere in the world can access rms and when they find a bug or see the need for an enhancement, enter it into the system. Emails noting creation of these requests are immediately forwarded to the "Work Managers." These are the IT OnTime management team and the rms development managers. The head of the development team reviews the request. At this point, it is either forwarded for assignment to a fulfillment group or returned to the request creator for more information. Again, everyone who needs to know receives an email notification. This continues while the request is being fulfilled. The request creator/owner receives an email as the request moves from fulfillment step to fulfillment step. Resources assigned to work on the request receive emails notifying them that they have a task to complete. Work managers receive emails notifying them when the request has moved forward.

rms lets you become proactive with your users. Once you start using rms, you and your users will be on the same page about their requests. Here are a few of the reasons.
  • A complete view of all user requests in one place.
  • A log of activity for each request making it easy to explain to users what is occurring.
  • No more lost or overlooked requests leading to user anger and frustration.
  • A systematic approach to creating and reviewing requests allowing for better definition and cost savings through more accurate fulfillment.
  • Proactive user notifications saving time and effort keeping users updated.
  • Activity reporting for better control and communication.
  • Quick and simple implementation making it easy to install and get everyone on board.

    All of these lead to the major benefit of getting users on your side. They now feel part of the process since they can monitor activities on their requests.

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      © 2002-2005 IT OnTime, Inc. All rights reserved. rms is a trademark of IT OnTime, Inc.